Prayer Requests

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Request Title | # Prayers | Submitted On | |
Please Pray For Me | 2 | April 14, 2018 | Details |
News info concerning removal of children from believers
I am a Christian sending out emails to all the churches and requesting prayer for a serious situation I was first made aware of almost two years ago. I believe the news I am sharing has the potential to effect all believers at this time and increasingly in the future. Please consider carefully the following information. I make no attempt to provide any specific solutions, but if I were raising children I would want to know about this. People with religious beliefs are now schizophrenic Who do your children belong to? If you said they belong to you, you would be wrong. You don’t believe that could be true? If it were, you would want to know, right? The well documented Holm newborn kidnapping, executed under color of law in Cleburne County, Alabama, provides considerable proof that state’s interest supersedes parental rights. Most alarming is the legal argument used to remove this newborn at the hospital. The court transcripts should shock anyone. A professional witness paid to testify on behalf of the state stated some months later during the dependency hearings that Mary and Joseph were schizophrenic (as was Jesus) according to DSM 4 and 5. She insisted any person who believed they heard from God in any way was schizophrenic. This outrageous concept was successfully used against a family who merely wanted to choose a simple lifestyle and were in the beginning stages of their desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Although the Holms are neither Amish nor Christian, all will identify with their predicament and should be informed as to the details of this legal precedence. This has widespread implications for believers of any religion. The Holms never set out to be the perfect demonstration of this modern reality show. As they exhausted and recorded every avenue available to parents in a continuous attempt to rescue their infant, the horror increased. Who will be the next one taken? Don’t think it can happen to your child? Twenty years of Title IV federal adoption incentives, secret family court trials, blanket gag orders, and the firmly entrenched village who will benefit tremendously from raising your kids will insure that it continues. All fifty states utilize this method to financially benefit from the greatest treasure this nation has, American children. Horrified parents will learn one by one that no baby is safe. The Baby Holm story chronicles exactly how this is done from beginning to bitter end. Excerpts from court transcripts denying constitutional due process rights and expert witness testifying that religious believers are schizophrenic: Complete timeline demonstrating the ways in which the Holms tried everything humanly possible to rescue their child: Complete courtroom audios: (a bit torrent link) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:U3NCK6XTAEZ43K4AYD5PKPSDTU36OBZ4&dn=StolenBabyBusiness In addition there is another story of kidnapped children who were fraudulently terminated in Greensboro, N.C. in order to receive Title IVe funding. Their mother, Sarah Carter, has become a political advocate and leader in her efforts to rescue her children, and before high judiciary courts in pursuit of restoration of her family when lawless District Court treated her family out of retaliation for her pursuit of due process and other Constitutional rights. . She has been and remains a strong Christian who is valiantly trying everything humanly possible to save her children and also help other parents. Please pray for her as she once more attempts to do the impossible. She will be going before the United States District Court Middle District North Carolina for a federal suit she is filing. She has received information that her children have been irreparably harmed already since being in state’s care but mothers who love their kids and trust God will never give up. Sincerely in Christ, Susan Dunn Cobb (10:17, two Hebrew numbers with a lot of meaning)
Please Pray For Me
Please pray for me.
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